Page name: Bloody Beautiful. [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-01-27 00:12:26
Last author: Cloud Natiion
Owner: Cloud Natiion
# of watchers: 94
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Welcome to bloody beautiful..
The place for the most elegant, sophisticated, cultured and damned right beautiful, of the human race.
Think you have what it takes to be a member? Are you beautiful inside and out?
Contact either [Cloud Natiion] or [Zombiie Natiion],
and if we think you would be an asset for our ever growing clan of beauts,
we might just let you in ;D.


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bloody beautiful. is for sophisticated members of EP, and
stupid, reckless, hateful, meaningless, dull, degrading comments will not be tolerated,
and leaving such in our forum will result in immediate expulsion from the wiki, and we
will be taking it up further with the guards.
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2009-07-06 [Zombiie Natiion]: thats true

2009-07-06 [Iinspiiratiion Natiion]: evening everyone how are we all

2009-07-06 [WonderTweek]: I'm doing well, how about you?

2009-07-06 [Iinspiiratiion Natiion]: i m ok thank you up to much

2009-07-06 [WonderTweek]: I'm eating lies (a.k.a cake) xD

2009-07-06 [Iinspiiratiion Natiion]: haha fair play i m watching terrible reality tv

2009-07-06 [Iinspiiratiion Natiion]: as stupid as that question was as i just clicked about the lies thing portal yeah ^^

2009-07-06 [WonderTweek]: Lol portal = win.
Well change the channel lazy!

2009-07-06 [Iinspiiratiion Natiion]: no i need to know who ll win britians next top model

2009-07-06 [WonderTweek]: xD

2009-07-07 [fu**(fuse)]: Woohoo! I'm In Charge Now! Do As i SaY!!1 >:D

2009-07-07 [WonderTweek]: O_O;

2009-07-07 [fu**(fuse)]: ..kidding?

2009-07-07 [WonderTweek]: *hides*

2009-07-07 [fu**(fuse)]: o.o

2009-07-07 [WonderTweek]: *peeks* Oh hai!

2009-07-07 [fu**(fuse)]:
*poke* ^^

2009-07-07 [WonderTweek]: AHH! *pokes back*

2009-07-07 [fu**(fuse)]: RAWR!

2009-07-07 [!Blah_ Blah_Blah!]: ello everyone!")

2009-07-07 [Iinspiiratiion Natiion]: evening how are we all

2009-07-07 [xXxbewitched bitchxXx]: hey guys um iinspiiratiion natiion is a guy not a gal n u got congradulate her lol just a typppo

2009-07-07 [kurtis purgatory;;]: it was intended.
i already informed them of it.

2009-07-07 [WonderTweek]: Yeah, from what I understand it was some inside joke.

2009-07-07 [Iinspiiratiion Natiion]: yeah aparently i have womenly natures just because i iron, sew and knit

2009-07-07 [WonderTweek]: xD nice

2009-07-07 [Iinspiiratiion Natiion]: quite sad really i am quite manly as well i build things and i well lol

2009-07-08 [WonderTweek]: xD

2009-07-08 [fu**(fuse)]: Opps X3 Sorry, I forgot to edit that part ^^; I didnt realize it said that.. >.>

2009-07-08 [WonderTweek]: So... Sup guys?

2009-07-08 [Eyes of the Reaper]: Not much. Playing SecondLife.

2009-07-08 [WonderTweek]: Lol I'm playing ReVolt *feels old*

2009-07-08 [Eyes of the Reaper]: lol Fun. ^-^

2009-07-08 [WonderTweek]: *nods*
N64 FTW!

2009-07-08 [Eyes of the Reaper]: *still has one in her bedroom, hooked up to her big screen* lol

2009-07-08 [fu**(fuse)]: o.o *has no idea what you peoples are talking about, and feels a tad left out*

2009-07-08 [Iinspiiratiion Natiion]: i ve always wanted to play second life but it looks to involoved i barely cope with sims

2009-07-08 [fu**(fuse)]: I Love Sims 8D

2009-07-08 [WonderTweek]: I got the Sims 3 :D *feels lame* xD

2009-07-08 [fu**(fuse)]: NO WAY!!! 80 I sooo wants it!
THATS It! >80
Im coming to Co,
just to steal the sims 3 away from you,
laugh and say 'nah nah' in your face,
then teleport home by using shadows.

2009-07-08 [WonderTweek]: ...
For doing all that you do realize you're gonna have to give me a hug first.
Not just anybody can steal my Sims 3 you know.

2009-07-08 [fu**(fuse)]: Oh! Well apperently you dont know me that well... cause I wouldnt give you a hug *shakes head*

No, I would Freakin' Tackle you, screamin 'AIDAN!!!' with this face >>> 8D, and then I'll do all the things i said above.. xDDD

2009-07-08 [fu**(fuse)]: dude but how freakin; awesome would it be if i could seriously teleport around by stepping into shadows?!

2009-07-08 [WonderTweek]: That would be super awesomesauce!

2009-07-08 [fu**(fuse)]: awesomesauce?

2009-07-08 [WonderTweek]: Yes!

2009-07-08 [fu**(fuse)]: lol! Ima going to use that phrase today..

2009-07-08 [Manda Ann Perfection]: *tips over* sooo its hot, and I don't do well in the heat and I hate my roommate and ummm what else can I complain bout today???,,


2009-07-08 [fu**(fuse)]: THIS HOUSE IS GREAT! *catches Manda* Umm how about your feet hurt? xD

2009-07-08 [Iinspiiratiion Natiion]: is the weather to hot i love moaning about the weather

2009-07-08 [cowboy_94]: nope mine dont

2009-07-08 [fu**(fuse)]: Hmm. *goes outside for a moment then hurries back inside* GAH! The weathers fine, but my sister's boyfriend was outside and im not even dressed! ><! (is PJ day for me xD)

2009-07-08 [Manda Ann Perfection]: the weather issss so effing hot i can't stand it, and my feet dont hurt they itch. damn ants!!! umm my bfs hais smells bad, i hate my job, this water tastes funny annnnnnnddd my car is out of gas

2009-07-08 [Manda Ann Perfection]: *deep breath* andddd Fuse hurt me when she caught me because her hands aren't pillows and I'm just that sensitve. HA! Okay I think I'm good

2009-07-08 [fu**(fuse)]: ={ Sorry.. At least I caught you and not let you fall on those Daggers! >80

2009-07-08 [Manda Ann Perfection]: True. I do thank you for that one hun. *kisses cheek*

2009-07-08 [fu**(fuse)]: *smiles* Yeah! Y'betta be ^^

2009-07-08 [Manda Ann Perfection]: ugh there we go guys. I just ate one of my labrets.

2009-07-08 [fu**(fuse)]: o.o

2009-07-08 [Manda Ann Perfection]: ima die

2009-07-08 [fu**(fuse)]: YAY!

2009-07-08 [Manda Ann Perfection]: 0__0 so that's how it is?

2009-07-08 [pRiN¢€ ¢HaRmInG]: dang... its posed to be over 100 all this week :(
and no rain!!!! sun shine!!! heat index for today was like 106!!!!!!

2009-07-08 [cowboy_94]: yea dude it sucks

2009-07-08 [pRiN¢€ ¢HaRmInG]: tell me about it... i was outside most of the day too... i got me a farmers tan in one day!!

2009-07-08 [cowboy_94]: ahhahahaa i always have a farmers lol except when i take my shirt off lol then i get tan lol but its that way in kansas too man

2009-07-08 [pRiN¢€ ¢HaRmInG]: its everywhere.. and now i have to go play a baseball game in it in an hour... i hope we win... we have only lost once and if we lose one more we are out of the tournament... wish us luck all ya'll beautiful people out there.. i got me a game to win

2009-07-08 [cowboy_94]: alright man keep it really and gl hope you win

2009-07-08 [pRiN¢€ ¢HaRmInG]: thanks... gata work up my farmers tan lmao... c ya ya'll

2009-07-08 [cowboy_94]: cya lol dont turn black on me know haaha

2009-07-09 [WonderTweek]: <<

2009-07-09 [Iinspiiratiion Natiion]: evening all how are we

2009-07-09 [WonderTweek]: I'm great! Quite tired though.
How about yourself??

2009-07-09 [Iinspiiratiion Natiion]: i m as happy as a peadophile in a playground thanks up to much

2009-07-09 [WonderTweek]: Lmfao xD
I've.. never heard that one before.

2009-07-09 [Iinspiiratiion Natiion]: haha i have loads i m terrible for them

2009-07-09 [WonderTweek]: Haha niiccee

2009-07-10 [Manda Ann Perfection]: bloop. another new photo..gahhh im boreeeddd

2009-07-10 [WonderTweek]: You're pretty.
Well go do something!

2009-07-10 [Manda Ann Perfection]: hahah thanks and ummm well i have to go to work so bleh

2009-07-10 [WonderTweek]: Laamee

2009-07-10 [Iinspiiratiion Natiion]: evening cheries

2009-07-10 [WonderTweek]: Hello.

2009-07-10 [Manda Ann Perfection]: So, I'm pretty sure I'm going to quit soon, and when I do, I'm going to punch the sushi chef in the face, and steal the money tree

2009-07-10 [WonderTweek]: xD
Run! Run like the wind!

2009-07-10 [Manda Ann Perfection]: ^__^ you've no idea how much I hate those people!!! ugh really??? how stupid can people get? If I'm on the phone with a customer, DON"T TRY TO TALK TO MEEEE

2009-07-10 [WonderTweek]: Lol I would like smacks them!

2009-07-10 [Manda Ann Perfection]: today just sucks.
I'm seriously bout to just sleep till
5pm tomorrow

2009-07-10 [WonderTweek]: Aww
Go eat icecream!
Icecream makes everything better :D

2009-07-11 [Manda Ann Perfection]: yes yes it does

2009-07-11 [WonderTweek]: :]
I feel like a girl saying things like that.
*drinks Chocolate milk* xD

2009-07-11 [Manda Ann Perfection]: XD

2009-07-11 [WonderTweek]: Nomnom :3

2009-07-11 [Manda Ann Perfection]: hahahahahhahahaha

2009-07-11 [WonderTweek]: x3

2009-07-11 [Eyes of the Reaper]: *gives Aiden a snail she found today* ^-^

2009-07-11 [WonderTweek]: *Gasps and takes the snail happily*
EEEEE!!!! *dances with it*

2009-07-11 [Eyes of the Reaper]: ^-^ My brother wanted to squish it, but I saved it for you, honey bunches.

2009-07-11 [Manda Ann Perfection]: 0__0 yeah welll ummmmmmm *steals a hat off of a bum* I almost stepped on this hat but I decided to save it and give it to you instead Aiden

2009-07-11 [fu**(fuse)]: o.o Yeah!? Well he doesnt like old bummey hats! >:P

*Gives Aiden a bucket of snails* Here, I went to a French resteraunt and saw these live snails there, so I saved them and now ish giving them to you.. ^__^

2009-07-11 [WonderTweek]: ...
Well uhm *puts on hat and takes bucket* thanks a lot you guys xD

2009-07-11 [Manda Ann Perfection]: eff this!!!! *takes hat back* I'm going to eat my muffins now

2009-07-11 [WonderTweek]: ..
But I liked that hat

2009-07-11 [Manda Ann Perfection]: ugh fine you can have it

2009-07-11 [Eyes of the Reaper]: *blink blink* ...and all I did was save a snail.

2009-07-11 [Manda Ann Perfection]: yeah look what you started *glares* its cool though I love snails tooo

2009-07-11 [WonderTweek]: *blinks* Well if you want it it's alright..

2009-07-12 [Manda Ann Perfection]: nah its cool I look weird with hats anyway

2009-07-12 [WonderTweek]: :p

2009-07-12 [DeletedFOREVER]: rawrr =]

2009-07-12 [WonderTweek]: Moo

2009-07-12 [pRiN¢€ ¢HaRmInG]: how is everyone doing?

2009-07-12 [WonderTweek]: I'm doing alright, how about yourself?

2009-07-12 [Iinspiiratiion Natiion]: evening everyone sorry i havnt been on but i ve been busier then a dog on heat how are we all

2009-07-12 [WonderTweek]: Haha x3 I've been good. How about yourself?

2009-07-12 [pRiN¢€ ¢HaRmInG]: i have been good.. long weekend tho and there is nothing to do here

2009-07-12 [DeletedFOREVER]: im relaxxinng
but why are sundays boring?

2009-07-12 [Iinspiiratiion Natiion]: hey everyone you ok

2009-07-12 [WonderTweek]: Hellos!

2009-07-13 [DeletedFOREVER]: heyhey

2009-07-13 [fu**(fuse)]: Hello!!


2009-07-13 [DeletedFOREVER]: whats up

2009-07-13 [Joshua.]: Hi everyone! Sorry I aint been on in 2 weeks, I been in Florida haha

2009-07-13 [DeletedFOREVER]: ohh did you have fun?

2009-07-13 [Joshua.]: Was alright haha. I nearly got shot by some lads in a trailer park near my Villa though haha

2009-07-13 [DeletedFOREVER]: well shit
thats kind of a damper oon the day huh

2009-07-13 [Joshua.]: Lol it did'nt bother me tbf I live in a rough area of Birmingham so it's not so shocking haha. Anyways how are you?

2009-07-13 [DeletedFOREVER]: damn.
im fine.
thats still just woah to me..

2009-07-13 [WonderTweek]: Gragh!

2009-07-13 [fu**(fuse)]: *runs around randomly* !!!!!! >:D

2009-07-13 [WonderTweek]: *Gets Dizzy*

2009-07-13 [Joshua.]: lol

2009-07-13 [WonderTweek]: *falls over* @.@

2009-07-13 [Joshua.]: why is everyone pretending to run around?

2009-07-13 [WonderTweek]: It's their verb, it's what they do.

2009-07-13 [Joshua.]: Oh how interesting lmao

2009-07-13 [fu**(fuse)]: DIZZYSAUCE!! Hey! Guesss what-ical?!?!

2009-07-13 [fu**(fuse)]: my parents are going to sleeps, sooo yeah!

2009-07-13 [WonderTweek]: What does that mean!?!?!?!?!

2009-07-13 [fu**(fuse)]: That i can prolly chat for hours on end and wont get yelled at 8D

2009-07-13 [WonderTweek]: YAY!

2009-07-13 [fu**(fuse)]: YAY!!! Hmm.. *shifty eyes* perhaps.. i can c-a-l-l! cause ima bout to get shocked from all the static eletricity outside (lightning)

2009-07-13 [WonderTweek]: Haha scared? :P

2009-07-13 [fu**(fuse)]: noo *shifty eyes* **Lightning and thunder** o.o EEP! *hides under table* Noo of course nots! >,<!

2009-07-13 [fu**(fuse)]: *ish being lazy*.. hmm i've never been online this late before..

2009-07-13 [WonderTweek]: *hugs* it's okay, there's no need to be scared. :P

2009-07-13 [Iinspiiratiion Natiion]: heyy everyone ^^

2009-07-13 [WonderTweek]: Hello!!

2009-07-13 [Ihsahn]: I have returned, sort of.

2009-07-13 [.:Cobra Carousel:.]: Okay. I am SO pissed right now.

2009-07-13 [Ihsahn]: why?

2009-07-13 [.:Cobra Carousel:.]: because some asshole named [blackboy]or something messaged me and told me that he needed me in his life and that he loves me. I politely told him to fuck off and he proceded to tell me that I needed to apologize to him and that I was a motherfucker and that I have a "vagina with no pubic hairs." How fuckin' rude huh?

2009-07-13 [Ihsahn]: o.O wtf is with all these people messaging you and stuff XD

2009-07-13 [.:Cobra Carousel:.]: I don't know, but he pissed me off and I told him to go blow himself that he was a cocksucker. But I'm still pissed. UGH!

2009-07-13 [WonderTweek]: That's superlamesauce.
Why don't these people just make their way to fake already? Grr.

2009-07-13 [Iinspiiratiion Natiion]: thats quite disgusting and to be honest it s a shame to see such a lovely community be demolished by a bunch of retarded people i say kill them all

2009-07-13 [WonderTweek]: xD Organ PIE!

2009-07-13 [Iinspiiratiion Natiion]: haha i m also in a mood to kill my ex now for being such a wanker

2009-07-14 [fu**(fuse)]: YAY!! Organ Pie!! Yumm..NO! Even betta, ..Brain Pie! :o

2009-07-14 [Manda Ann Perfection]: :( my friend leaves for the army today

2009-07-14 [WonderTweek]: Aww D:

2009-07-14 [Manda Ann Perfection]: *sniffles*

2009-07-14 [fu**(fuse)]: MONKIE!

2009-07-15 [.:Cobra Carousel:.]: Buuuuuh what's up?

2009-07-15 [aura noire]: monkie? O.o

2009-07-15 [Iinspiiratiion Natiion]: hey everyone how we all doing

2009-07-15 [Manda Ann Perfection]: not too bad and you?

2009-07-15 [WonderTweek]: I'm doing well

2009-07-15 [Ihsahn]: *bites [WonderTweek]* :3

2009-07-15 [WonderTweek]: O_o *licks myself* I'm delicious.. No one should be this delicious WHAT'S GOING ON?!

2009-07-15 [Eyes of the Reaper]: *sits like a puppy and chews on Aiden's hand* :3

2009-07-15 [WonderTweek]: *Quietly sings the meats of evil song*

2009-07-15 [pRiN¢€ ¢HaRmInG]: have any of you heard of the band called- 12 stones?

if not you should check them out, i think there great :) let me know it i have bad taste lol

2009-07-16 [treact]: i have (: they're good!

2009-07-16 [.:Cobra Carousel:.]: I've heard of them. They're pretty good :)

2009-07-17 [fu**(fuse)]: *sneaks up behind Aidan and licks his face* OMG! You ARE delicious!!!! 80

2009-07-17 [WonderTweek]: O_O AHH!!!

2009-07-17 [Joshua.]: Hi everybody lol

2009-07-18 [WonderTweek]: Hello!

2009-07-18 [fu**(fuse)]: ^^ *giggles* Hello!

2009-07-18 [Iinspiiratiion Natiion]: god i m so slow with this thing damn grenich mean time how is everyone

2009-07-18 [fu**(fuse)]: Um? Bubblegum? Im good xD And you?

2009-07-18 [Iinspiiratiion Natiion]: i m wonderful hun thanks listning to catatonia who rule but no one knows who they are

2009-07-18 [fu**(fuse)]: Actually, I have a bit of a problem.. But, I'm sure you dont want to read a story of mine.. (I'm stuck and need someone to read it and give me some pointers and what to do next) ..would you?

2009-07-18 [Iinspiiratiion Natiion]: of course i would

2009-07-18 [fu**(fuse)]: yay ^^ random story its uber long. so i apologise in advance..

2009-07-19 [VentunoVirus]: Nudity, you're doing it wrong :)
How is everyone?

2009-07-19 [Iinspiiratiion Natiion]: i m good you

2009-07-19 [fu**(fuse)]: We're decently good, and you?

2009-07-19 [Iinspiiratiion Natiion]: i m good decently up to much

2009-07-19 [fu**(fuse)]: Oh really? ^^ Thats nice, just rpging.

2009-07-19 [Ihsahn]: Due to certain disputes and conflicts of interests I wish to be removed from this wiki. thank you.

2009-07-19 [Iinspiiratiion Natiion]: i shall do so accordingly

2009-07-19 [Iinspiiratiion Natiion]: fuse how do we get rid of people that want to leave

2009-07-19 [fu**(fuse)]: Um? Just take their name off the member's list..

2009-07-19 [fu**(fuse)]: yes lov? Whatcha need?

2009-07-19 [Iinspiiratiion Natiion]: no no thats what i needed lol

2009-07-19 [Iinspiiratiion Natiion]: he s not on the list as far as i know

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